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The World’s First Artificial Womb Facility with Super Intelligent Babies!

Writer's picture: UnitedEarthUnitedEarth

We have a very powerful argument that will convience everyone that there is no God (at least in the religious sense). If you are against transhumanism and the whole idea of it which is about how the human race will become almost like a "God" then go where the article ends and find "The tower of babel - atheists vs theists." The idea of an artificial womb, or "ectogenesis," as it is sometimes called, has been around for many decades. The concept was first proposed by scientists in the early 20th century, who believed that it might be possible to grow a baby outside of the human body in some kind of artificial environment.

In the decades that followed, various scientists and researchers attempted to develop an artificial womb, but these efforts were largely unsuccessful. It wasn't until the late 20th and early 21st centuries that significant progress was made in this field.

Here is a summary of key events and milestones in the development of this technology:

1954: The term "ectogenesis" is coined by scientist J.B.S. Haldane in his book "Daedalus, or Science and the Future." Haldane proposes the idea of growing a baby outside of the human body in some kind of artificial environment. While after 1 year the first design of the artificial womb was patended by emanuel Greenberg back in 1955. He developed the concept with the hope of helping premature babies to continue developing after their birth. Back then, baby incubators already existed, so no one really moved forward to building the prototype of the artificial womb.

1980s: Researchers begin experimenting with artificial wombs using animal models, but these efforts are largely unsuccessful.

1990: Japanese scientists, researchers at Tokyo university's medical department tested the artificial womb to see if it actually works. They placed a goat fetus in an artificial womb.

The successful "delivery" of the goat, is believed to be the first of its kind in the world, and increases the prospects of rescuing sick human fetuses and treating them in an artificial womb.

2002: Scientists have developed an artificial womb that allows embryos to grow outside the body.

Even though the embryos began to grow and develope, they were terminated 5 days later due to ethical concerns.

2017: Researchers at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia announce that they have successfully grown lamb fetuses in an artificial womb and the lambs appear to develop normally and are able to move and swallow on their own.

Now, in the year 2020:

A new concept has been unveiled exclusively to Science and Stuff showing how the same could be done for humans. In recently released footage, Hashem Al-Ghaili shows what childbirth might look like tomorrow. Specifically, he created an artificial womb facility named EctoLife.

Hey says currently, the World Health Organization estimates that 15% of reproductive-aged couples worldwide are affected by infertility. Indeed, over the last 70 years, fertility rates worldwide have decreased by a staggering 50%.

Reasons for this decline include (among other things) women’s increased education, increases in employment, the high cost of raising children, and a drop in global sperm count. 23 countries are already at risk, with Japan, Spain, Portugal, Thailand, and South Korea at the forefront of the crisis.

In the U.S., infertility statistics are likewise sobering:

1 in 8 American couples has issues with fertility. 12-15% of all couples are unable to conceive after a year of unprotected sex. 10% of all couples are unable to conceive after two years of unprotected sex. 33% of Americans have turned to fertility treatments or know someone who has.

Replying to Musk’s tweet, the tech investor Sahil Lavingia wrote, “We should be investing in technology that makes having kids much faster/easier/cheaper/more accessible. Synthetic wombs, etc.” And that is exactly what Al-Ghaili was thinking when he came up with the design for EctoLife. Al-Ghaili told Science and Stuff that he was inspired to create the concept of EctoLife in order to further “the discussion around a technology that shouldn’t be ignored.”

According to Al-Ghaili, the artificial womb concept of EctoLife would be life-changing for many who struggle to conceive. “It’s a perfect solution for women who [have] had their uterus surgically removed due to cancer or other complications."

You can watch the concept of "Ecto-Life" from this link here :

elp solve issues that stem from low sperm count,” Al-Ghaili said enthusiastically, adding that the EctoLife concept (or technologies like it) “could ultimately make miscarriage a thing of the past.”

EctoLife: Reinventing evolution

The EctoLife video shows that the first step prospective parents must take is having their eggs and sperm combined via in vitro fertilization. This would allow them to select only viable and “genetically superior embryos.” Al-Ghaili clarifies that genetically superior embryos are primarily those which are free from genetic issues that would result in miscarriage. However, he notes that the process could also be used to “screen for birth defects,” as is already common practice in most IVF treatments.

But that’s not all.

This would also offer parents the ability to “genetically engineer their embryo before implanting it into the artificial womb” through the use of the CRISPR-Cas 9 gene editing tool. This would create the opportunity to “fix any inherited genetic diseases that are part of your family history so that your baby and their offspring will live a healthy, comfortable life free of genetic diseases.”

This may seem far-fetched; however, Al-Ghaili pointed out that CRISPR has already been used “to correct a genetic mutation in human embryos that is linked to a condition known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which causes the heart muscle to thicken.”

Once a baby reaches full maturity? According to the video, the birth process can be “done with just the push of a button,” which will cause the faux amniotic fluid to drain from the growth pod. The impact on humanity could be profound.

Each year, around 300,000 women die from pregnancy or complications shortly afterward. But that’s not all. “We know that the constraints of the human uterus and pelvis have acted as a brake on the size of the human brain and skull.

If freed from the need to be ‘born’ in the normal way, we might open the way for a new evolutionary trajectory,” Dr. Anna Smajdor, Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy at the University of Oslo, noted in a previous interview.

If freed from the need to be ‘born’ in the normal way, we might open the way for a new evolutionary trajectory,” Dr. Anna Smajdor, Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy at the University of Oslo, noted in a previous intervew.

Despite these potential benefits, the technologies that are presented in EctoLife will assuredly give some pause. But just how widespread are these moral misgivings?

The assistive reproduction technology, or ART, market is already large, and it is only getting larger. According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, the current cost of a single IVF cycle is $12,400, with the average couple spending $19,234. The largest market for IVF treatment is currently Europe, followed by the U.S. However, the fastest-growing market is the Asia-Pacific region. The market for IVF services is expected to grow to over $35 billion by 2030, while the market for IVF devices is expected to reach $10 billion by 2030.

Venture capital is taking notice of this growing trend, with the ART sector expected to reach $54.7 billion by 2028. In 2021, fertility startups received $627 million. However, by mid-July 2022, fertility startups had already received over $500 million, marking the ART sector as one that may be impervious to any pending recession.

Given these market conditions, it seems that a concept like EctoLife is all but inevitable.

Science fiction becomes reality:

Let's see a utopian vision which how it could be ethical in a good timeline which human race would actually survive with this technology instead of creating dystopia and self destruct later in the process.

In the year 2035, a revolutionary new company called "EctoLife" made headlines with their groundbreaking technology: artificial wombs that were capable of supporting the development of an embryo or fetus outside of a woman's body.

Using this technology, human designers should be able to create a new generation of humans with enhanced intelligence and abilities. These "super humans" will be born with an average IQ of 600 or even with a IQ score of 1000, which is far higher than the average of 100, and they will be capable of solving complex problems and achieving incredible feats that would have been impossible for a normal human.

But how will these super humansbe able to achieve such extraordinary mental abilities? The key is the use of genetic engineering techniques to modify the DNA of the embryos in the artificial womb. By targeting specific genes that were known to be associated with cognitive function, human designers will be able to produce babies with enhanced mental abilities.

The potential applications of this technology are truly staggering. For example, the super humans created by human designers could potentially help scientists like David Sinclair achieve their goal of biological immortality. By studying the genetic makeup of these super humans and learning more about the genes that are responsible for their enhanced mental abilities, researchers may be able to develop therapies or interventions that could help extend human lifespan and even reverse the effects of aging.

In addition, the super humans created by human designers could also play a key role in the development of advanced technologies such as quantum computers and super artificial intelligence. This super AI might become 1 million times more smarter or intelligent compared to human race! To put it simply it would mean "a god among man" and all that because of genetic engineered babies. With their exceptional mental abilities, the super humans could help drive the development of these technologies and unlock their full potential, leading to a utopian world where "anything" is possible.

Overall, the utopia of human designers represents a new era of human evolution, where the limits of human potential have been shattered and the impossible has become possible. Thanks to the power of artificial wombs and genetic engineering, we are closer than ever to achieving a brighter and more prosperous future.

Overall, the utopia of human designers represents a new era of human evolution, where the limits of human potential have been shattered and the impossible has become possible. Thanks to the power of artificial wombs and genetic engineering, we are closer than ever to achieving a brighter and more prosperous future.

The solution to this ethical dilemma is to approach the issue through the lens of democracy. In a democratic society, the idea is that all individuals have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. In the context of genetic engineering, this could mean allowing all individuals the opportunity to make their own decisions about whether or not they want to use these technologies to create genetically modified babies.

In a democratic society, it is important to respect the rights of individuals to make their own decisions about their lives and their families. This includes the decision to have children and the methods used to create and raise those children.

One issue that arises in the context of genetic engineering and reproductive rights is the idea that some individuals or groups may seek to impose their beliefs on others. For example, some religious groups may argue that genetic engineering is morally wrong and that individuals should not have the right to choose to use this technology.

However, it is important to recognize that in a democratic society, the rights of individuals must be respected, even if they do not align with the beliefs of others, and that means to deny individuals this right, would be a violation of their basic human rights.

The modern tower of babel: Atheists vs Theists. One potential ethical solution:

We all know the story behind of tower of the babel.

According to the biblical account, the Tower of Babel was a structure that was built by a group of people in the land of Shinar, which is believed to be in the region of Mesopotamia. The people who built the tower had a single language and a common purpose, which was to build a tower towards to the heavens, because men wanted to prove his greatness about how powerful they really are. This wasn't in God's plan...

God saw the tower and was displeased with the pride and ambition of the people. In order to punish them and to prevent them from achieving their goal, God caused them to speak different languages, so that they could no longer understand each other. The tower was left unfinished and the people were scattered across the earth.

The story of the Tower of Babel is often interpreted as a cautionary tale about the dangers of pride and ambition. It serves as a reminder that human endeavors, no matter how grand or ambitious, are ultimately limited and subject to the will of God.

A real transhumanist goal, is to become "god-like" creature by using technologies like genetic engineering and making perfect human race by changing the very nature itself into something else, because the will of the men is great! Just like the days of the Tower of the Babel era.

In that case there is a practical solution to end this war about the debate if there is a God.Throughout history, human Ghave always been searching for a higher power and a way to connect with the divine. From ancient civilizations to modern times, people have used various methods to try and prove the existence of a single, all-powerful god.odThroughout history, human Ghave always been searching for a higher power and a way to connect with the divine. From ancient civilizations to modern times, people have used various methods to try and prove the existence of a single, all-powerful god.

Trying to find god and prove his existence was indeed impossible mission, but why so much trouble to find god when we can finally bring god towards to us! This genius idea might actually work and the deal is simple If you really believe your god is all powerful and no one can disobey his will, then let us scientists and researchers to build the modern Tower of the Babel!

That of course would only work if religious groups stop targeting our people who support transhumanism and superior human race, because it would mean that you believe your god is weak and unreliable. When a mere mortal human target us, he forgets that there is already a powerful God who can decide on his own. In that case that would mean it's blasphemy and hypocritical according to your religion.

We can live in a peaceful world and anyone who doesn't want to live in our technological world can live separately and peacefully their lifes. They will be free to follow the cycle: born - live - and dye due to aging without forcing anyone to go through it.

If there is a "God" then he will come from the heavens and with his mighty power, he will destroy transhumanists and the scientists from the face of Earth with impossible powers. However in case than nothing happens and man becomes "God" successfully without any Devine intervention, this will only will prove that the bible or any religious story is false and it's written by man. The last conclusion would be that there is no "God" in a religious sense... or in the worst case if "God" exists then he let us build these technologies because everything goes according to his plans and no one should stop them.


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