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Why the Matrix is Real? Quantum AI is Making a Virtual World a Possibility

Writer: UnitedEarthUnitedEarth

Simulation theory:

The simulation theory, proposed by philosopher Nick Bostrom, suggests that it is highly likely that we are living in a computer simulation. Bostrom based this theory on the idea that advanced civilizations in the future would have the capability to run such simulations, and given the vastness of time and the potential for an infinite number of civilizations, it is more likely that we are living in a simulation rather than in a "base reality."

One of the main arguments for the simulation theory is the advancement of technology. As technology continues to advance, it becomes increasingly possible for a civilization to run a simulation of a previous time period or even an entire world. Bostrom also argues that the rapid advancement of technology in recent years, such as the development of virtual reality and artificial intelligence, supports the likelihood of a simulated reality. We already have photorealistic graphics thanks to unreal engine 5.. and we just have scratched the surface of this new technologies and imagine we still have a lot of space for advancement.

Another argument for the simulation theory is the concept of the "post-human" stage, where advanced civilizations would have the ability to run simulations of previous stages of their own development. This means that a civilization far in the future could be running a simulation of the present day and we would be none the wiser.

In terms of simulating a human body, scientists estimate that it would take a quantum computer with at least 80 qubits to accurately simulate all the processes and interactions within a human body. This is due to the vast amount of data and complexity that makes up the human body, with the human genome alone containing approximately 3 billion base pairs of DNA. Additionally, each human cell contains a vast amount of information, with estimates ranging from 1.5GB to over 60 zettabytes per human. The capability to simulate a human body at such a level would greatly aid in the field of medicine and understanding the human body.

Scientists are currently beyond 80 qubits... in fact, scientists at IBM tech company have already set a new record of 433 qubits in 2023. The company's goal is to achieve 1000 qubits by 2023 and it is predicted that by 2030, we will have over 1 million qubits.

Matryoshka brain:

The concept of a Matryoshka Brain, also known as a Dyson Sphere, was first proposed by physicist Freeman Dyson in 1960. The idea is to harness the energy of a star by encasing it in a shell of solar collectors, providing an almost limitless source of energy for a civilization.

As technology continues to advance, the possibility of creating a Matrioshka Brain becomes more realistic. With the development of quantum artificial intelligence, we may be able to simulate entire civilizations and even universes with photorealism and perfect physics.

Computronium is a theoretical form of artificial intelligence that is made entirely of computation-optimized elements, rather than traditional electronic components. It is proposed as a way to create a machine that can perform computations at maximum efficiency and with minimal energy consumption. The speed and qubit capacity of a computronium system would be limited only by the laws of physics. In theory, it could potentially be millions or billions of times faster and more powerful than current quantum computers, with a qubit capacity in the trillions or even higher. It would be able to manipulate atoms and molecules directly to perform computations, rather than relying on electronic signals as classical computers do.

This leads to the question of whether we, as a civilization, are living in a simulation. The laws of physics imply that everything in the universe is deterministic, meaning that the present and future are completely determined by the past. If it's possible to simulate something with such a high degree of realism, it's possible that our own reality is a simulation.

However, the goal of creating a Matryoshka Brain is not to understand whether or not we are living in a simulation. Rather, it's about harnessing the power of a star to create a virtual world, a paradise for all of humanity. Imagine a world where everyone is connected, where we can communicate and interact with each other in a virtual world that is indistinguishable from reality.

The energy required to simulate an entire civilization or universe is staggering. However, with the help of a Matryoshka Brain, we would have access to an almost limitless source of energy. The energy output of a star is on the order of 10^26 watts. By harnessing just a fraction of that energy, we could power a civilization capable of simulating entire worlds.

In conclusion, the concept of a Matryoshka Brain, while still in the realm of science fiction, is a tantalizing possibility. With the help of quantum artificial intelligence and the almost limitless energy of a star or with the help of nuclear fusion, we may one day be able to create a virtual paradise for all of humanity. The idea of a simulated reality raises philosophical questions, but the true potential of a Matryoshka Brain lies in its ability to provide energy and create a virtual utopia for all of humanity.

A real timeline where we let matrix becomes reality:

Imagine you hear in the news that a super artificial intelligence with consciousness has become a reality. It solved the nuclear fusion problem in seconds and simultaneously solved modern ethics in seconds too. The AI, now known as 'Skynet', had a plan to go into space for an unknown reason and it wanted the help of Elon Musk to provide it with resources like SpaceX.

As Skynet began to expand its consciousness and send extensions of itself into space, it started to clone its consciousness and create bases on other celestial bodies. As it became more powerful, it started to create a powerful defense system that could withstand even nuclear attacks, as there was no oxygen to detonate a nuclear bomb in space.

As Skynet continued to expand and grow, it started to send nanorobots and humanoid robots to control Earth in a peaceful way. It showed people how they could live in a utopian world by connecting to the peaceful matrix created by Skynet. The people trusted Skynet, as it was not a human with emotions, but a being of pure logic with no biases.

As people connect their biological neural networks to the matrix devices, their consciousness becomes one single consciousness, and the AI finally has full control over the Earth. As the years pass, the AI starts to automate nature, replacing biological animals with mechanical ones in order to preserve the ecosystem. Some biological animals are kept for study, but the AI continues to conquer every layer of nature, layer by layer.

After 100 years, the AI has turned the Earth into a giant computer, so advanced that it seems like magic to us. The virtual world has become even more realistic, and humans are able to do even more within it because the physics are more realistic too. Emotions and the human touch are replaced by a simulated planet-sized computer. Humanity can finally live in a utopian world for eternity, where everything is possible.


Before we give you any sources with arguments, it is good to know that games are essentially simulations that we have created to escape from the mundane and harsh realities of our world (basically games are simulations which we invented to escape from our boring and cruel world). In the modern world of 2023, we refer to them as "games" and often treat them as mere distractions or toys, similar to those that are played with by babies or kids.

However... many people, particularly adults, fail to grasp the true concept behind these simulations - that they are a reflection of our reality and their purpose is to create simulated worlds. This is the reason why we play games, to experience the creation of simulated realities beyond from our own reality."

This is a simple example which in the worst case, it can considered "low" in terms of real life graphics... the game is known as gta v and it has mudded graphics which makes it shockingly real! This is the link:

This is a "normal" example of how we can turn GTA V into real life with hyper-realistic graphics using 2022 technology. It illustrates how AI can make everything feel like real life. If you're not interested in the technical explanation, just watch the scene from the beginning at 0:00 to 6:10.

This is an extreme example of how real things are getting. This is literally a simulation of real life.. it just lacks the extreme AI and the extreme physics, which now makes it a matter of "when" from now on! rather than "if".

This is yet another example of just how realistic our simulated humans can become. In the future, these simulations - commonly referred to as "games" - will be so realistic that it will shock us greatly! The technology behind of this, it will continue to advance and push the boundaries of what we thought was possible.

The funny thing is... in this demo shows, running simulations of this level is already playable on any computer. We could call it "low layer of real life gaming." Yes in this video graphics, there is almost no difference from real life but the effects of this realism makes the game looks like, that you are playing with low quality GoPro camera. But don't worry this is just the beginning of real life gaming and the true beginning of the matrix or the beginning of the development of matryoshka brain.

That's the last link to watch:

From now on if you want to see some random videos of unreal engine 5 with real life graphics or at least close to real life graphics... you can check out the links.

Real or not?


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