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Detox Yourself

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The Mysteries of Dark Matter Unveiled!

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Journey to the Neon Metropolis

Feb 19, 2023
These 10 Frightening Secrets behind the Bombings at Bikini Atoll will Affect your Faith on Humanity
The USA Government Doesn't Want You to Know about These 10 Secrets.

Feb 14, 2023
X-62A VISTA Aircraft Successfully Flies for 17 Hours - Without a Pilot Using AI!
Artificial intelligence (AI) was used to pilot a tactical aircraft for the first time.

Feb 8, 2023
Which are the Toughest Animals on the Planet, and why they Would Survive a Nuclear Disaster?
Can you guess which is the toughest animal on the planet that can survive near absolute zero?

Feb 7, 2023
The Ultimate Guide to Black Hole Theory
Learn about the fascinating world of black holes and how scientists are unraveling their mysteries.

Feb 5, 2023
Where is the Largest Living Structure on Earth, and how does it Look from Space?
Read to learn where the largest living structure on Earth is located. It is one of the most beautiful places on Earth, visible from space!

Jan 22, 2023
Why In 30 Years from now We Will be Able to Upload Our Minds"to the Cloud"?
As the world continues to advance at an astonishing rate, one of the most exciting and potentially game-changing developments on the...

Jan 18, 2023
Why the Matrix is Real? Quantum AI is Making a Virtual World a Possibility
Simulation theory: The simulation theory, proposed by philosopher Nick Bostrom, suggests that it is highly likely that we are living in a...

Jan 8, 2023
Why Scientists Have Finally Discovered the Nature of Consciousness about Artificial Intelligence?
The History of Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence (AI) has a long and fascinating history. It all began in the 1950s, when...

Jan 4, 2023
Why will the Universal Basic Income Liberate you from the 9AM-5PM Schedule and Slavery?
The dream of freedom: The concept of universal basic income, or UBI, has been around for centuries, with proponents arguing that it could...

Dec 31, 2022
The World’s First Artificial Womb Facility with Super Intelligent Babies!
We have a very powerful argument that will convience everyone that there is no God (at least in the religious sense). If you are against...

Dec 30, 2022
A Fundamental Mechanism of Ageing is Unlocked
The protein ANC-1/Nesprin 2 is found on the outer membrane of all cell nuclei, and it has been found to be involved in neurodegenerative...

Dec 26, 2022
Why is Biological Immortality Closer than Ever?
For centuries, humans have dreamed of achieving immortality. They have sought the "holy grail" of eternal life, constantly searching for...

Sep 30, 2022
One in 5 Americans will Get Skin Cancer! Here is What you Should Know. The Ultimate Guide
Getting even a single sunburn every 2 years, increases the chance of getting melanoma by 3! Melanoma is the deadliest type of skin cancer...

Apr 1, 2022
The Sun Emits a Huge Flare
The flare was emitted on 30/03/2022, peaking at 18:35 GMT. Images were captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory. Matter in the solar...

Oct 26, 2021
Why your Password is most Likely Really Weak?
What was considered a strong password 10 years ago, today is very easy to crack. A 5 character password being composed of just lowercase...

Mar 10, 2020
Eating Junk Food Creates a Vicious Cycle. How can we Escape from it?
New research by psychologists in Australia, the USA and the University of Sussex in the UK shows how eating ‘junk food’ affects the part...

Mar 8, 2020
How Deadly Coronavirus Really is?
With a total of 110,100 confirmed victims and 4000 deaths, coronavirus statistics may appear intimidating to most of us. On 31 December...

Jan 31, 2020
Exploring a Higher Level of Consciousness
Of course we are are the most intelligent animals in the history of the planet. We often regard other animals such as dogs or cats as far...

Sep 13, 2019
The Smallest Possible Full Moon Coincides with Friday the 13th
The smallest possible full Moon coincides with Friday the 13th today, as the Moon is at a maximum distance from the Earth on its...

Sep 12, 2019
Will AI Become Truly Intelligent in the Future?
The answer has to be yes. Despite the complexity of human brain and body, at the end of the day these are all complex mechanical parts,...

Sep 10, 2019
Is India Keeping Secret of What Went Wrong with Chandrayaan 2?
Only three nations have sent successful missions to the moon: USSR, USA and China. But it certainly looks somewhat shameful event,...

Sep 7, 2019
Are Squirrels More Intelligent Than Dogs?
These highly intelligent animals, that can stand upright like humans are much more evolved than one might think. According to a new...

Sep 6, 2019
This Lake is the Most Radioactive Place on Earth and it would Kill you in Seconds
In 1990, being close to the shore of lake Karachay would give you a lethal radiation dose in a matter of minutes. The lake was polluted...

Sep 6, 2019
Which is the Most Distant Human Made Object from Earth?
Read to learn which is the most distant human made object from Earth!
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