The history of the cosmos goes back 13.8 billion years. At this moment of time the so called "Big Bang" creates the expanding Universe. Today the Universe expands with acceleration. Everything outside this "Big Bang" is impossible to be observed and hence out of discussion. However, the string theory makes interesting predictions about our Multiverse. Multiple Big Bangs, happening all over the place... ahem. Where are all those "Big Bangs" really occurring? Is there a static manifold form where you can get a Steven Hawking out of nowhere? A higher dimensional space? So what we see is just the surface of things in a real sense... We are just scratching the surface of the surface of a higher dimensionality, and yet we have a satisfying explanation about everything around us. We are just satisfied that there is a quark an electron etc. However much of the unknown physics has to originate from this vast hidden to us Universe, and hence even the explanations we give for many phenomena of the observed Universe such as: "the smallest particle of matter" or "the expansion of space" have to be bad explanations. Any further ideas?
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