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Top 10 Astronomy Discoveries of 2024
Introduction The vastness of the universe has always captivated human curiosity, and through the lens of technological advancements, we...
Jun 6, 2024

What is the Resonance Therapy?
Every living tissue of humans and animals has a specific vibrational frequency, which is the result of the constant motion of molecules...
May 8, 2023

Where is the Center of the World?
For centuries, humans have been fascinated by the idea of finding the center of the world. Some have searched for a physical location,...
Apr 28, 2023

Are Squirrels Smarter Than Cats?
In this article, we will delve into one of the most intriguing questions in the animal kingdom: Are squirrels more intelligent than cats?...
Apr 27, 2023

Is ChatGPT Smarter than Humans? Solve this Logical Puzzle to Find Out.
A class of 31 students play the following roles: Liars always lie. Truth-tellers always tell the truth. Alternators randomly choose their...
Apr 23, 2023

Inside the Mind of AI:"Tech's Impact on Daily Life"- A Fascinating Article by ChatGPT
In this article, I will discuss the impact of technology on our daily lives and how it has transformed the way we live, work, and...
Apr 13, 2023

Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak, and Tristan Harr, Sign Petition to Halt the Development of AI
Is AI already conscious? We are entering into a new and mysterious era. Heaven and hell have never been so close to each other. A group...
Mar 29, 2023

Why even a Distant Supernova Explosion can Vanish Life on Earth?
Supernova explosions are one of the most powerful phenomena in the universe, releasing vast amounts of energy that can outshine entire...
Mar 13, 2023

Why Time Can't Stop: There is one Force in Nature Stronger than the Gravity of a Black Hole
Time is a fundamental concept that has been used by humans for millennia. From the earliest civilizations to modern times, measuring time...
Feb 28, 2023

Unlock the Surprising Secrets of AI: This Mind-Blowing Guide to AI Ethics will Leave you Speechless
Why there are evil AI's ready to destroy humans and which is the conscious AI that is suffering?
Feb 20, 2023

Why our Big Bang is Part of a Multiverse?
Read this article to learn about the fascinating physics ideas that support the existence of a Multiverse.
Feb 15, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Time in Physics - Why Time Isn't Infinite but Neither Finite?
This guide will provide a new perspective on the nature of time. Read this guide to understand the deep connection of time with the Universe
Feb 13, 2023

Which are the Toughest Animals on the Planet, and why they Would Survive a Nuclear Disaster?
Can you guess which is the toughest animal on the planet that can survive near absolute zero?
Feb 8, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Black Hole Theory
Learn about the fascinating world of black holes and how scientists are unraveling their mysteries.
Feb 7, 2023

Where is the Largest Living Structure on Earth, and how does it Look from Space?
Read to learn where the largest living structure on Earth is located. It is one of the most beautiful places on Earth, visible from space!
Feb 5, 2023

Is our Observable Universe a Computer Simulation?
The argument that our universe could be a simulation is based on the possibility that an advanced civilization, or one in the future,...
Jan 10, 2023

One in 5 Americans will Get Skin Cancer! Here is What you Should Know. The Ultimate Guide
Getting even a single sunburn every 2 years, increases the chance of getting melanoma by 3! Melanoma is the deadliest type of skin cancer...
Sep 30, 2022

JWST Captures the Most Sharp Infrared Image Ever
A landmark achievement by JWST.
Mar 30, 2022

Which is the Fastest Rotating Object in the Universe?
Read this article to learn which is the most powerful and at the same time fastest rotating object in the observable Universe! (Spoiler...
Oct 22, 2021

Exoplanets are Discovered in Pleiades. The Ultimate Guide to Exoplanets
A beautiful discovery, near these bright and famous stars, also known as the 7 sisters or M45. Since 1995, when the first exoplanet was...
Sep 7, 2019

This Lake is the Most Radioactive Place on Earth and it would Kill you in Seconds
In 1990, being close to the shore of lake Karachay would give you a lethal radiation dose in a matter of minutes. The lake was polluted...
Sep 6, 2019

Which is the Most Distant Human Made Object from Earth?
Read to learn which is the most distant human made object from Earth!
Sep 6, 2019

The Sun for Dummies: The Ultimate Guide to the Sun
The Sun is the star of the day, a nuclear furnace that converts every second 4 million tons of hydrogen into energy, while at the same...
Aug 30, 2019

The Great Adventure of Voyager 2
Voyager 2 approached Neptune with success but so did Dr Who a few decades later!
Aug 27, 2019
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